Sunday Prayers are a weekly edition of the collective prayers of the community. We pray for all kinds of things in the world—our leaders, our planet, particular places and people who endure challenges. We also pray for common/local things like people who need healing, people who are grieving, new life, grandparent life, celebrations—weddings, baptisms, and anniversaries. Sunday Prayers are a way to remind us to pray, to name things we want or need to hold in prayer, and a way to be in conversation with the God who made us and called us to be—both individually and as a faith community. Oh, and sometimes, these prayers focus on some aspect of the lectionary cycle.They really are not limited to Sunday—but Sunday is the day we most often gather to pray them together. The goal is to use current language practices to pray in ways that allow us to more fully enter into the world of the Holy One—or really, to truly feel the Holy One embrace us in the everydayness of our lives.