Route 78 + Adventure 910

Route 78 and Adventure 910 are the learning opportunities for middle and high school students (grades 7 -10), and as part of our confirmation ministry will focus on activities and events to strengthen their faith as teenagers. Pastor Karen is the leader for this group of young people. Please direct questions and inquires to

Fall 2024 Update:

We are excited about all the wonderful opportunities we will have to provide a fresh confirmation experience this academic year for students in Route 78 (grades 7+8) and Adventure 910 (9+10).

We will have some options that are more experiential in nature and some traditional classes. All of these things will happen on a scattering of Sundays and Wednesdays. At least two each month, and sometimes more.

Adult volunteers have agreed to partner with Pastor Doug and Pastor Karen to teach/play/ponder about things/learn/go out in the world and experience grace, do service projects, etc. We have so many ways to learn about and experience who God is and how God is at work in the world.

Our orientation meeting will happen on Sunday, September 29 at 10:00 AM (immediately following worship) and/or on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:00 PM. Come to whichever session works for you and your family. If nothing works, please email Pastor Karen at to set up a time to connect.