“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent” (Victor Hugo).
The language of music touches the greatest of human joys and the deepest of human heartaches. It transcends all that divides us in ways that unite us as God’s people in the holy place of worship. We invite and encourage you to share the gifts of music within you and enjoy all that is harmonious around you.
Peace Choir is a vocal choir for adults and high school age students that performs an anthem approximately two times a month during Sunday worship services throughout the school year including special music for the Easter and Christmas seasons. Rehearsal is every Sunday after worship from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. All are welcome – no auditions!
Resurrection is a vocal group with instrumentation (guitar, drums, keyboard) that sings contemporary Christian music approximately once a month during Sunday worship services throughout the school year. Rehearsal is on Mondays from 7:30 PM to 8:30PM.
Joyful Noise is young vocal choir for children ages 4 through 1st grade. Interactive and lively songs are performed at occasionally scheduled Sunday and seasonal worship services throughout the school year. Children will learn basic vocal skills and have fun singing songs, learning actions and playing games that will encourage a love for music! Rehearsals will be Wednesdays from 4:45 to 5:15PM during the school year.
SonShiners is a vocal choir for children in 2 through 4th grade. Children will continue to learn vocal skills & warm up, while having fun learning songs, actions and playing simple instruments. Additionally, they’ll learn basic performance etiquette to encourage confidence! Performances will be scheduled on occasional Sundays and seasonal worship services. Rehearsals will be Wednesdays from 4:00 to 4:30PM during the school year.
Jubellation Ringers is an adult hand bell group that performs at occasionally scheduled Sunday worship services throughout the school year. Rehearsal is the two Monday evenings prior to a performance date from 6:30PM to 7:30PM. Participation dictates performance dates.
Radical Ringers is a middle and high school hand bell group that performs 6-8 times during the school year at Sunday worship services. Rehearsal is weekly on Sunday evenings from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Chapel Chimes or music reading experience is preferred.
Chapel Chimes is a youth hand chime group for children in 4th through 6th grade that performs at Wednesday worship services and occasionally at scheduled Sunday worship services throughout the school year. Rehearsal is on Wednesday afternoons from 5:15PM to 6:00PM. No music experience is required. New members meet briefly with the music coordinator to learn the basics of reading music.
Instrumentalists and Vocalists are always welcome throughout the year – including piano, brass, woodwinds, percussion, strings, vocal solos, duets, and small groups, etc. Contact our music director to discuss the musical gifts and ideas you are willing to share.
Contact Sherry Johnson, Peace Music Director, with questions or to learn how to become involved in one of the Peace music groups.
608-849-7322 or sherry.johnson@explorepeace.org