Calendar of Events
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F Fri
S Sat
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Let’s Celebrate with Kona Ice!
Let’s Celebrate with Kona Ice!
Join us to celebrate the first week of school this coming Wednesday, September 4 from 2:30-430pm for Kona Ice. Play,[...]
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3 events,
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
It is the start of our confirmation program and focuses on The Lord’s Prayer, The 10 Commandments and the Apostle’s[...]
Chapel Chimes (musical group of 4th – 6th graders)
Chapel Chimes (musical group of 4th – 6th graders)
Sherry Johnson, Director ... meet in the Music Room on Wednesdays!
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4 events,
Leaf Printing Workshop – cancelled (rescheduled for NEXT Wed Sept 25)
Leaf Printing Workshop – cancelled (rescheduled for NEXT Wed Sept 25)
As the growing season comes to a close - we will gather flowers and leaves from our vast collection of[...]
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
It is the start of our confirmation program and focuses on The Lord’s Prayer, The 10 Commandments and the Apostle’s[...]
Chapel Chimes (musical group of 4th – 6th graders)
Chapel Chimes (musical group of 4th – 6th graders)
Sherry Johnson, Director ... meet in the Music Room on Wednesdays!
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4 events,
Leaf Printing Workshop
Leaf Printing Workshop
As the growing season comes to a close - we will gather flowers and leaves from our vast collection of[...]
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
It is the start of our confirmation program and focuses on The Lord’s Prayer, The 10 Commandments and the Apostle’s[...]
Chapel Chimes (musical group of 4th – 6th graders)
Chapel Chimes (musical group of 4th – 6th graders)
Sherry Johnson, Director ... meet in the Music Room on Wednesdays!
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3 events,
Route 78 & Adventure 910 Orientation meeting
Route 78 & Adventure 910 Orientation meeting
We are excited about all the wonderful opportunities we will have to provide a fresh confirmation experience this academic year[...]
Radical Ringers Workshop (for 7th – 12th graders)
Radical Ringers Workshop (for 7th – 12th graders)
For … 7th to 12th graders, interested in ringing hand bells! They will learn how to ring / dampen /[...]
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6 events,
Wednesday Open Studio Art Class – children ages 5-8
Wednesday Open Studio Art Class – children ages 5-8
Please join our creative Open Studio Art Class, on Wednesdays this Fall, Oct. 2 - Nov. 13. Explore a new[...]
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
Route 56 (for 5th & 6th graders)
It is the start of our confirmation program and focuses on The Lord’s Prayer, The 10 Commandments and the Apostle’s[...]
Joyful Noise children’s choir (for ages 3 to 7)
Joyful Noise children’s choir (for ages 3 to 7)
Children will learn basic vocal skills and have fun singing songs, learning actions and playing games that will encourage a[...]